Professional Editorial Design in Vienna

Creative design & precise execution: Editorial design for impressive publications and media in Vienna.

Editorial Design

Service Portfolio.

All services in overview.

Cover Design

Cover Design

Showcase your work perfectly: I design a unique cover that effectively presents your content.

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Book design

Book design

For an engaging reading experience, I assist you with selecting the right cover, typography, layout, and illustrations.

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Magazines & Newspapers

Magazines & Newspapers

From cover to print: I handle the complete design and production of your magazines and newspapers.

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How Editorial Design Can Boost Your Success.

The key benefits at a glance.

Consistent Design

Editorial design ensures consistent visual styling for print and digital media.


Thoughtful editorial design ensures that the text is clearly structured and easy to read.

Brand Identity

A professional editorial design strengthens brand identity and highlights your messages.

Engaging Layouts

Editorial design creates engaging layouts that present content effectively and aesthetically.

Creative Pixels.

Explore exciting projects and references.

Artwork, Vinyl cover, Graphic design

The message of the vinyl artwork "Sadness in Swing" by Thom James is to summarize sadness and joy in a single representation.

Graphic Designer Vienna, Cover Artwork

Corporate design, Logo design, Print design

Vienna is so beautiful, but who can best present all these moments to you in a short time? With Vienna Stories, tour guide Tom Cohen leads numerous visitors through the beautiful Austrian metropolis.

Graphic designer vienna, web designer Vienna, Austria, Business Card

Corporate design, Editorial design, Graphic design

An art magazine and digital online platform for art enthusiasts. The design tells the stories of Viennese artists in minimalist, timeless and pragmatic black and white.

PoesieArt, Magazin, Graphic designer vienna, web designer vienna, Austria, Graphic design vienna, web design vienna

Our First Collaboration.

Simple & straightforward in just four steps.

Grafik- und Webdesigner / Formular ausfüllen Icon

1. Fill out the form

Simply fill out the contact form on the website and provide the necessary project details.

Grafik- und Webdesigner / Erstgespräch icon

2. Initial consultation

In a free initial consultation, I’ll advise you on the best way to kickstart the project.

Grafik- und Webdesigner Wien / Kompass: Beratung & Angebot Icon

3. Consultation & offer

Based on our initial consultation, I can provide you with a detailed project plan & pricing information.

Grafik- und Webdesigner / Zusammenarbeit Icon

4. Collaboration

Done! Once we’ve agreed on the details, we can kick off the project as planned.

Additional Expertises.

Discover more of my services.

Expertise Guide

Learn more about Editorial Design in Vienna


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